Common Questions about Water Management Programs


What is a Phigenics Water Management Program?

A Water Management Program (WMP) is the process by which the safety and efficiency of a facility’s potable and utility water systems is managed in an on-going, dynamic way that follows the guidance of ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 188.


What if your organization already has a water plan for your facility?

If you already have a water safety plan for your facility, on-going verification and validation of the plan (in line with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 188) ensures that the plan is being implemented as designed and controlling the hazards.


Does our facility need a WMP?

Whether you’re in healthcare, hospitality, education or manufacturing, a WMP is the industry-standard method to ensure the safety and efficiency of any sufficiently large plumbing system.


Does a WMP require Legionella testing?

Although the ANSI/ASHRAE
Standard 188 document does not require testing for Legionella or other pathogens, it does require validation of your program. The most defensible method for validation of a WMP is both environmental testing and clinical surveillance.


How do I know if our existing plan is properly implemented?

A WMP is designed to manage the water in a facility in ways that are measurable and meant to be documented. If there is no data being collected routinely (and verified, as recommended in ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 188), the existing plan might not be implemented correctly.


How do I keep track of all of my WMP information?

Managing a WMP can be a challenge when the documents and information are not easy to locate or work with. Phigenics has addressed this issue for our clients by developing a secure data management platform that stores all WMP documents, meeting notes, team information and decisions, and program details. The platform also allows for data entry and is a powerful tool for the verification and validation of a WMP.


How can an independent water management expert provide value?

Phigenics’ involvement with clients in various industries, and its INDEPENDENT position in the market, allow us to provide guidance and recommendations supported by data and the most current industry best practices.


Can my organization create its own WMP?

Yes. The WMP is always under your organization's ownership and responsibility. As long as you follow the process that is described in ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 188, you can be confident that your program is meeting industry best practices. Utilizing a third-party service provider can help add confidence to your decisions, but they should never be the sole author of your program.

How are Phigenics WMPs More Defensible than the WMPs of our Competitors?

Have any of these?


A centralized hot water system

(like a hotel or high-rise apartment complex)


More than 10 stories


A healthcare facility, retirement home, assisted-living facility, or hospital


Cooling tower(s)


Centrally installed: Mister atomizer, air washer or humidifier


Decorative fountains or hot tub/spas

Then you need a water management program

Aligned with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 188 and the CDC Water Management Toolkit.

CALL: 1.844.850.4087 to speak with a Water Management Expert


7 Steps of a Water Management Program.

- 1 - Form a Team

- 2 - Develop Program Goals

- 3 - Describe Water Systems

- 4 - Analyze Water Systems for Safety & Efficiency

- 5 - Specify Control Locations, Control Limits, Monitoring and Corrective Actions

- 6 - Develop Verification Strategy

- 7 - Develop Validation Strategy


Disclaimer icon Defensible documentation is essential and required in all steps

Why Phigenics Water Management Programs?

Phigenics is the leading INDEPENDENT provider of ANSI/ASHRAE 188-aligned water management programs proven to: optimize total cost, improve safety and efficiency, and achieve defensibility.

Phigenics does not sell water treatment chemicals and is not biased toward any particular water treatment technology or supplier.

Industry-Leading WMP Expert Support & Training

Gain access to the right experts when you need them, whether onsite or remote.

  • Comprehensive system audits of potable and utility water systems focused on cost savings, water safety improvements or both.
  • Creation, implementation and ongoing management of ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 188-aligned WMPs.
  • Alignment with new standards that are focused on preventing Legionellosis from
    building water systems (CMS S&C 17-30).
  • Evaluation of water treatment supplier performance.
  • Analysis and standardization of water treatment practices across multiple facilities.
  • Facilitation of evidence-based decision-making for supplementary disinfection needs and treatment options, specific to each building water system.
  • Analysis of validation and other data types to provide ongoing expert guidance.

Empowering your Comprehensive and Defensible Water Management Program

phiAnalytics is a cloud-based information management system designed to enable enterprise and facility water management teams from healthcare, hospitality, government, commercial and manufacturing industries to achieve regulatory alignment (ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 188 and CMS S&C 17-30), prevent disease and injury from Legionella and other pathogens, improve water and energy efficiency, and optimize the total cost of water systems.


phiAnalytics empowers teams to Collaborate, Document, Verify and Validate.



phiAnalytics empowers collaboration among enterprise and facility water management teams.



phiAnalytics empowers water management teams to efficiently and effectively create and store all WMP information.



phiAnalytics empowers water management teams to verify the program performance.



phiAnalytics empowers water management teams to validate program effectiveness.

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