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Margaret Jasinski

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Has Your Water Management Program had a Check-Up Lately?

Posted by Margaret Jasinski on Sep 26, 2018 11:57:35 AM

Margaret Jasinski is an Account Manager for Phigenics. She oversees accounts within the Central Florida region and creates comprehensive water management programs for her clients. Margaret enjoys discussions about public health strategies, health reform and policy, and mindful leadership.                                                                       

As Public Health Professionals, it is imperative to engage with our hospital communities to ensure patient safety goals are being met at the highest standards and with best practices. The leaders at the forefront of driving this culture within healthcare are most likely Infection Preventionists (IPs), which in the past were referred to as Infection Control Professionals. The terminology shift from “control” to “prevention” indicates how this profession has evolved, and how now, more than ever, prevention aligns with proactivity and defensibility. This paradigm shift is further supported by the APIC Competency Model for Infection Preventionists, which is composed of three main pillars - Leadership and Program Management, Infection Prevention & Control, and Performance Improvement and Implementation - all related through program planning, active surveillance, monitoring, verification and validation of any patient-centered wellness initiative.

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Topics: water management programs, infection prevention, infection control, public health, FPIC, NPSG, ANSI ASHRAE 188, CMS Memo, legionellosis, APIC

National Public Health Week: Providing Quality Care Environments

Posted by Margaret Jasinski on Mar 15, 2018 3:14:38 PM

Margaret Jasinski is an Account Manager for Phigenics. She oversees Phigenics accounts within the Central Florida region and creates comprehensive water management programs for her clients. Margaret enjoys discussions about public health strategies, health reform and policy, and mindful leadership.                                                                                

The American Public Health Association (APHA) champions the health of all people and communities. Every year, through its strong commitment to service, APHA hosts a National Public Health Week (NPHW). This year, April 2 - 8, kicks off NPHW - Healthiest Nation 2030, a theme that highlights public health education and community awareness. Some areas of focus for 2018 are: achieving the power of prevention, advocating for healthy and fair policies, sharing strategies for successful partnerships and championing the role of a strong public health system.

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Topics: legionella testing company, water management programs, National Public Health Week, APHA, CDC, American Public Health Association, NPHW, ASHRAE

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